Transition to Primary 1

Welcome to our Primary One Transition page. Starting school is an exciting time and we look forward to welcoming all our new pupils in August 2024.

Information about transition will be posted on this webpage. Our P1 Transition Calendar for 2024  can be found on this page. You can also click here to see information relating to the Mid-Mouse Transition Project.


Update: Monday 3rd June 2024

Please visit our Twitter Feed to see a photo book about ‘Starting School’


Update Wednesday 29th May 2024

It was lovely to see so many parents / carers at our information session last night.

If you were unable to make it along, please pop in to the school office and collect an information pack. This includes a letter with information relating to your child’s class and teacher for Primary One. 

Below are some key slides from the presentation:


Update: Monday 20th May 2024

A reminder that our Parent / Carer Information Event will take place next week.

This will be an opportunity to hear from the Senior Leadership Team, meet the Primary One teaching team, and collect an information pack about starting school.


Update: Friday 10th May 2024

A reminder about our Open Viewing Event:


Update: Tuesday 7th May 2024


Parents / Carers should now have received confirmation letters of their child’s P1 school placement.

Families of children who have been allocated a Primary One place at Danderhall Primary have been posted an initial communication letter from the school. Please click here to view.

We ask that the enclosed Lunch Trial order form and Health and Wellbeing Information sheets are completed, and returned to the school office by Tuesday 4th June. 


Families who submitted placing requests to a non-catchment (including those with an Edinburgh / East Lothian home address), or denominational school should now also have received their decision letters. A parent/carer who is dissatisfied with the outcome of their request may submit an appeal to the Education Appeals Committee, the details of which have been provided in their letter. Please note that school staff are unable to assist with appeals, and decisions are not made at school level. 



P1 Open Event




P1 Learning Space

Please see our Twitter feed for a video of the P1 classrooms and atrium spaces.




QR Codes


Monday 13th November 2023

We are currently planning our transition activities for children due to start Primary One in August 2024. Please check back soon for more information.