Starting at Danderhall ELC


Danderhall Primary School offers ELC places for children aged 3 – 5 years.

In August 2024, we will have capacity for 120 children.


Please visit our other ELC pages for information on:

Danderhall School Handbooks / ELC Information Booklet

Staff and Daily Routines

ELC Clothing and Uniform


Key documents: paperwork / forms

  • Permission forms: 

Seesaw Permission for ELC learner

Sun Protection Permission Form

  • Information documents:

RSHP info

Parksmart Letter

ParentPay A5



What hours do you offer?

All children are entitled to a full time place (1140 hours).

Our days are:

  • Monday – Thursday: 8.30am – 3.10pm
  • Friday: 3.30am – 11.50am

If you do not wish your child to attend full time, or if you would like to apply for a blended placement (where your child attends more than one setting), they must attend Danderhall ELC for a minimum of two full days a week. 

We do not offer half day sessions as part of a blended model.


How can I apply for an ELC place for my child?

When your child turns 2, you can register at Danderhall Primary for an ELC place. An application form is available from the school office.

Please see Midlothian Council’s website for information regarding the application process for school settings and funded providers childminders.


When can my child access an ELC space at Danderhall Primary?

Due to the high demand for ELC spaces in Danderhall, we operate a waiting list system. If we do not have capacity for your child to attend, there are other funded options in the local area. Please see the link above re applying for a funded place at a partner provider, or child minder.


How will I find out if my child has been allocated a place at Danderhall ELC?

We will write to you to confirm that your child has been granted a space in our ELC setting.

  • Families due to start between August and December will be contacted before the summer holidays.
  • Families due to start between January and March will be contacted in October.
  • If you apply mid-year, we will advise you whether we have spaces available, or whether you will join our waiting list. We will contact you via phone / letter to offer a place.

Please note that the allocation of places for an August start is completed via Midlothian Council. Once places have been confirmed, school will make contacted with families to share information regarding a start date and time. 


Will my child start full time on day one?

Starting ELC (Early Learning and Childcare), is an exciting time for children and families. We want to work with you and your child to make this transition an smooth as possible.

To support children to settle into our ELC, it is necessary to have a staggered start in August. In your letter confirming their place, staff will outline the settle plan for your child. Each child will be offered:

  • An opportunity to visit the setting with their parent / carer during the in-service (staff development) days in August – times TBC. This will be an ‘Open House’ style event to allow all new families the chance to visit the setting.
  • Visit 1: One hour with parent / carer (there will be some paperwork to complete)
  • Visit 2: Two and a half hours without parent / carer (a snack will be provided)
  • Visit 3: Full day….the first of many! Your child will be in full time from this date

Staff will work with individual families to adapt this plan if required. Some children require a more gradual start to their time in ELC, and our priority is support on an individual basis. Please speak to your child’s key worker / Senior SEYP in the first instance.